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Saturday, November 8, 2008

The best Abuelo Ever!

As my wife stands in line at Target Diego is with his Abuelo (spanish for Grandpa) and suddenly she hears a little boy yelling at the top of his lung, Thank you Abeulo, Thank you, Thank you, You are the best Abuelo ever!

What did Abuelo do that was so great? As my son comes running around the corner as fast as he could go screaming and all eyes in the store watching him in amazement he's got something in his hand. He is so very excited. I say what is it Diego. Abuelo bought me a "Sponge Bob" WII game!

So there you go, Abuelo made Diego's day. But what he did not think about was his other Grandchild Elizabeth who just so happens to be at the store too. You can't get one something without getting the other something. I don't know what Elizabeth got but I do know Abuelo made his Grandchildren very happy as he always does. So tomorrow I'm going to ask Abuelo where my gift is :)

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